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1. The name of the club shall be ‘Lucindale Karting Club Inc.’ consisting of members as herein provided.
2. To promote the sport and pastime of go-karting. To provide facilities for such sport or other activity approved by the club. To do all the things which the club or committee may deem necessary or desirable for promoting the recreation, accommodation and interests of its members, and for the preservation, upkeep and improvement of the clubs property, and any other objects and purpose on which the club may from time to time decide.
3. Any person desirous of becoming a member of the club, subject to the approval of the committee, shall pay a membership subscription as fixed by the annual general meeting. Such membership shall permit attendance and voting at general meetings of the club held during the financial year, ending on the 31st of January, to compete if desired in club events subject to the rules of the Lucindale Karting Club, and such other privileges as are conferred on members. The committee shall have the right to refuse, suspend or expel any member for conduct deemed to be against the best interests of the club (as set out in rule 12).
4. Criteria for Life Membership.
a)The election of a life member is recognition by the club of long and outstanding service to the Lucindale Karting Club by a member.
b)This honour may be bestowed on a person by the club at any appropriate time, and is not linked necessarily with that person’s retirement from the club.
c)An outstanding service to the club is one which:
•Results in the Club being substantially, demonstrably and positively changed by that contribution.
•Ongoing commitment which occurs over a significant period of time (minimum of 15 years).
•Required substantial, commendable and regular personal input.
•Exemplifies our Clubs values.
Procedure for Nomination.
a) Any current member of the Club who wishes to have a person considered for nomination for Life Membership may complete and forward a submission to that effect in writing to the President.
b) Each nomination for Life Membership shall be endorsed by:
1)The Nominee, and
2)Two members supporting the nomination.
Procedures for awarding a Life Member.
All applications for Life Membership will be reviewed annually by the Committee priory to the AGM, for consideration and recommendation.
Election to Life Membership shall be by a majority of Committee Members.
Any person elected to Life Membership shall be exempt from payment of any further subscription but shall nevertheless be entitled to all the privileges and benefits and be subject to the same liabilities and duties as an ordinary member.
5. The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting together with Licence Secretary, Nomination Secretary, Club Steward Co-ordinator, Scrutineer Co-ordinator, Lap Scorer Co-ordinator, Track Co-ordinator, Canteen Co-ordinator, and general members. The committee shall have the power to frame and make regulations and by-laws to be effective forthwith until rescinded by the committee or a general meeting of members. The committee may delegate such of its powers as appears desirable. Any vacancy on the committee may be filled by the committee. The quorum at any committee meeting shall be five.
6. The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held at a date and venue to be decided by the committee, fourteen clear days notice being given by advertisement. In such meeting shall be presented the annual report and an audited statement of receipts and expenditure, assets and liabilities. The officers and others constituting the committee of management (as set out in rule 5) shall be elected, and it shall be competent for the meeting to confer the honour of life membership to the club (as set out in rule 4). As the annual or special meeting of the club ten members shall constitute a quorum.
7. The business at an ordinary general meeting of the club shall, unless otherwise determined by the meeting in accordance with the next succeeding rule, be conducted in the following order.
a) Welcoming of members and visitor and reading of any apologies for absence received.
b) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and their confirmation or correction.
c) Finance reports and their adoption or otherwise.
d) Reading reception and consideration of general correspondence.
d) General reports and their consideration and adoption or otherwise.
e) General Business.
f) Election of officers at meeting fixed for that purpose.
8. An account shall be held with the Naracoorte branch of the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. In the name of the Lucindale Karting Club Inc. to be operated by the President, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice-President, and two signatures being sufficient. The officers signing shall satisfy themselves that payments have been duly authorised by the committee.
9. The club shall maintain a correct membership register with (as a minimum) the name, address and contact details of all members. This information is not to be passed onto a third party (other than our state or national body) without prior approval. Members are to notify the club within 1 month of a change of any of the above details.
10. Upon dissolution after all debts have been paid, any assets and monies are to be held for a period of not less than twelve months, then donated to the Lucindale Lions club.
11. This constitution shall not be repeated altered or added to except after fourteen day’s notice of the motion thereof given to the Secretary, and with the concurrence of a majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose. Rule 10 shall not be alterable.
12. a) Hearing by Committee.
The committee shall where any question under the following rule is to be considered, give notice in writing to the member charged and the time and place he is required to attend before the committee and particulars of the charge or complaint and before coming to a decision shall hear any explanation which the member charged may desire to give, together with any evidence tendered by him/her.
b) Members charged with offence.
In the event of any member being charged with any offence subject to complaint or conduct which the committee may consider unsportsmanlike or ungentlemanly or prejudicial to the interests of the club, he/she may be called before the committee and , failing a satisfactory explanation, he/she may, subject to the rules, be cautioned or suspended, required to resign or be expelled from membership of the club.
c) Notice to member charged.
Notice of the committee’s intention to consider or review a members conduct under these rules shall be forwarded to him/her at his last address shown upon the books of the club by prepaid certified mail sent through the Post Office at least three days prior to the meeting at which such matter is to be considered.
d) Majority necessary to suspend member.
No member cautioned, suspended, required to resign or expelled unless the resolution is supported by at least two-thirds of the members of the committee present and voting as herein before provided. e) Members right to appeal.
Any member cautioned, suspended or required to resign or expelled under these rules shall have such right to appeal and in the event of resignation or expulsion shall forfeit all rights or claims upon the club or its property of funds.
13. All real and personal property of the club shall vest in the club in its corporate name as is provided by the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985.
In addition to being great fun, dirt karting provides an excellent training ground for our current and future road users. It quickly teaches vehicle control, hazard perception interaction with other track users, skills which will assist in making participants safer road users.
The club is under a body corporate A.I.D.K.A (Australian Independent Dirt Karting Association). A.I.D.K.A provides the rules and regulations that clubs must abide by and insurance for tracks, drivers, officials and families involved. There is a strong emphasis on safety for all participants and there are strict regulations for the use of the correct safety equipment, adherence to rules and regulations and vehicle scrutineering.
The Club works in conjunction with the Tatiara Dirt Karting Club, with meetings held approximately every 2 weeks during the racing season, generally alternating between the clubs. The Club also has a strong membership base in Naracoorte and is focused on building the junior member base and family focus to ensure the long term future of the club.

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